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Top 100 Non-Fiction Books on Philosophy

"From Antiquity to Modernity: Mapping the Minds That Shaped Philosophy"

This volume embarks on an exhaustive journey through the evolution of philosophical thought, highlighting seminal works that have laid the foundations and charted the course of intellectual inquiry across centuries.

  • The Philosophical Canon: A Comprehensive Exploration of Thought
  • Unveiling the Depths of Human Thought: The Essential Texts That Define Philosophy
  • Keywords: Philosophy, Ethics, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Political Philosophy, Existentialism, Ancient Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Thought.


Top 100 List

By Time period

Ancient Philosophy

  1. Plato - "The Republic"
  2. Aristotle - "Nicomachean Ethics"
  3. Aristotle - "Metaphysics"
  4. Marcus Aurelius - "Meditations"
  5. Epictetus - "The Enchiridion"

Medieval Philosophy

  1. Thomas Aquinas - "Summa Theologica"
  2. Augustine of Hippo - "Confessions"
  3. Al-Farabi - "The Book of Letters"

Modern Philosophy

  1. René Descartes - "Meditations on First Philosophy"
  2. Baruch Spinoza - "Ethics"
  3. Immanuel Kant - "Critique of Pure Reason"
  4. Immanuel Kant - "Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals"
  5. John Locke - "Second Treatise of Government"
  6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau - "The Social Contract"
  7. David Hume - "A Treatise of Human Nature"

19th Century Philosophy

  1. Karl Marx - "The Communist Manifesto"
  2. Karl Marx - "Capital"
  3. Friedrich Nietzsche - "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
  4. Friedrich Nietzsche - "Beyond Good and Evil"
  5. Søren Kierkegaard - "Fear and Trembling"

20th Century Philosophy

  1. Ludwig Wittgenstein - "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"
  2. Ludwig Wittgenstein - "Philosophical Investigations"
  3. Martin Heidegger - "Being and Time"
  4. Jean-Paul Sartre - "Being and Nothingness"
  5. Simone de Beauvoir - "The Second Sex"

Contemporary Philosophy

  1. Derek Parfit - "Reasons and Persons"
  2. Judith Butler - "Gender Trouble"
  3. Noam Chomsky - "Manufacturing Consent"
  4. Daniel Dennett - "Consciousness Explained"
  5. Martha Nussbaum - "The Fragility of Goodness"
  6. Michel Foucault - "The History of Sexuality"
  7. Elizabeth Anderson - "The Imperative of Integration"
  8. Peter Singer - "Animal Liberation"
  9. Robert Nozick - "Anarchy, State, and Utopia"
  10. Amartya Sen - "Development as Freedom"
  11. Saul Kripke - "Naming and Necessity"
  12. Patricia Churchland - "Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality"
  13. Hilary Putnam - "Reason, Truth, and History"
  14. Cornel West - "Race Matters"
  15. Kwame Anthony Appiah - "The Ethics of Identity"

Philosophy of Mind and Language

  1. Daniel Dennett - "Darwin's Dangerous Idea"
  2. John Searle - "Speech Acts"
  3. David Chalmers - "The Conscious Mind"
  4. Jerry Fodor - "The Modularity of Mind"
  5. Paul Grice - "Studies in the Way of Words"

Ethics and Political Philosophy

  1. Michael Sandel - "Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?"
  2. Charles Mills - "The Racial Contract"
  3. Nancy Fraser - "Fortunes of Feminism"
  4. Alain Badiou - "Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil"
  5. Martha Nussbaum - "Frontiers of Justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership"

Metaphysics and Epistemology

  1. David Lewis - "On the Plurality of Worlds"
  2. Saul Kripke - "Philosophical Troubles"
  3. Timothy Williamson - "Knowledge and its Limits"
  4. Ernest Sosa - "A Virtue Epistemology"
  5. Quentin Meillassoux - "After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency"

Philosophy of Science

  1. Thomas Kuhn - "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
  2. Karl Popper - "The Logic of Scientific Discovery"
  3. Paul Feyerabend - "Against Method"
  4. Nancy Cartwright - "How the Laws of Physics Lie"
  5. Bas van Fraassen - "The Scientific Image"


  1. Arthur Danto - "The Transfiguration of the Commonplace"
  2. Nelson Goodman - "Languages of Art"
  3. Richard Wollheim - "Art and its Objects"
  4. Cynthia Freeland - "But Is It Art?"
  5. Noël Carroll - "Philosophy of Art: A Contemporary Introduction"

Social and Political Philosophy

  1. Iris Marion Young - "Justice and the Politics of Difference"
  2. Axel Honneth - "The Struggle for Recognition"
  3. Chantal Mouffe - "The Democratic Paradox"
  4. Michael Walzer - "Spheres of Justice"
  5. Judith Butler - "Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable?"

This list encompasses a broad spectrum of philosophical thought, including works that have sparked debates, introduced new conceptual frameworks, and contributed to the ongoing evolution of philosophy across various domains.