Where the Pieces Lie: A DCI Jack Logan Novel (DCI Logan Crime Thrillers Book 19)¶
JD Kirk
Rating: 4.7
- "Ten years ago, D.C.I. Jack Logan stopped the serial child-killer dubbed 'Mister Whisper', earning himself a commendation, a drinking problem, and a broken marriage in the process. Now, he spends his days working in Glasgow's Major Investigations Team, and his nights reliving the horrors of what he saw. And what he did. When another child disappears a hundred miles north in the Highlands, Jack is sent to lead the investigation and bring the boy home. But as similarities between the two cases grow, could it be that Jack caught the wrong man all those years ago? And, if so, is the real Mister Whisper about to claim his fourth victim?" -- publisher website.
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