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Seth the Abyssal Assassin Book 2: A LitRPG Adventure

  • V.A. Lewis

  • Rating: 4.2

  • The Abyssal Rift threatens to swallow Heartillia, but within it lie unseen treasures... Having escaped the cult and become an adventurer Noah had found and killed the traitorous team that had been responsible for betraying Aurelia, and at the heart of it, discovered a much grander and sinister plan. An Abyssal Rift is about to open in Heartillia and Noah is invited to the city by its Lord on a special quest. Having reached level 50 at a rapid rate, he will need to train his body to keep up with his soul's progress. But the effort will be worth the price when Noah learns what awaits him at the end. A shard of [ ]. Book 2 in an action-packed, crunchy, isekai LitRPG series from KrazeKode, author of The First Law of Cultivation. Loaded with stats, skills, combat, and power progression, it's perfect for fans of Iron Prince, Road to Mastery, and He Who Fights with Monsters!

Seth the Abyssal Assassin Book 2: A LitRPG Adventure

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