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My Thoughts Exactly: The No.1 Bestseller

  • Lily Allen

  • Rating: 4.3

  • THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ***** 'Witty, dark, devastating' Caitlin Moran 'Unflinching, unputdownable' Guardian 'Brutally honest, funny, emotionally raw' Matt Haig 'I love it' Jon Ronson ***** So, this is me. Lily Allen. I am a mother, and I was a wife. I'm also a singer and a songwriter. I have loved and been let down. I've been stalked and assaulted. I am a success and a failure. I've been broken and full of hope. I am all these things and more. I'm telling my truth because when women share their stories, loudly and clearly and honestly, things begin to change - for the better. So, this is my story. These are my thoughts exactly. Includes an exclusive new chapter

My Thoughts Exactly: The No.1 Bestseller

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