How to Wean Your Baby: The step-by-step plan to help your baby love their broccoli as much as their cake¶
Charlotte Stirling-Reed
Rating: 4.8
- THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Charlotte gave me the confidence and knowledge to love every single step of the weaning journey' Joe Wicks 'Charlotte really is a font of knowledge when it comes to weaning.' Jools Oliver 'We've loved Charlotte's approach to weaning. Skye loves her food and we are so grateful for that!' Ella Mills The easy weaning plan to ensure your baby becomes a happy and adventurous little eater. In this beautiful, full-colour book, expert nutritionist Charlotte Stirling-Reed reveals her renowned method that has helped thousands of parents wean their babies confidently. Based on a vegetable first approach, the perfect way to develop healthy eating habits and to tackle fussy eating before it begins, you'll be hand-held through the first 30 days of weaning as well as given lots of delicious recipes all the family can enjoy. Packed with tried and tested tips, as well as the latest evidence-based guidance, How to Wean Your Baby will fully equip and empower you to take this exciting next step.
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