Clean & Green: 101 Hints and Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Home¶
Nancy Birtwhistle
Rating: 4.7
- Most of us don't love cleaning, but it's something that has to be done. So why not share all our trusty tips and clever shortcuts with each other to get the job done quicker? Rachael and Karlie are the creators of Mums Who Clean, the busy Facebook group where hundreds of thousands of Aussie mums swap their secrets for keeping their homes fresh and sparkling and dealing with domestic dilemmas. Whether it's soap scum in the shower, stubborn oven mess or kids' slime disasters, these ladies have the solutions - and often they're things you'd never think of trying! Combining all this tried-and-tested advice in one handy guide, Mums Who Clean covers: - The community's top cleaning products and tools, and how to use them for the best results - Exactly how to clean your home, room by room - Budget-friendly cleaning and odour-eliminating recipes - Dealing with unexpected guests and an out-of-control house - Real-estate cleaning - Creating a cleaning schedule for your family Enjoy the most gleaming and organised house you've ever had with Mums Who Clean.
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