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CHAOS (Beneath The Secrets Book 1)

  • Luna Mason

  • Rating: 4.5

  • Who can stop the dominion of Chaos? Emery, Captain of the Shadow Guard, has dedicated his life to one purpose… …to preserve the three realms of the Cosmos from the dominion of Chaos. But when one of his soldiers is killed on a routine mission into the mortal realm, everything changes. Something is wrong, and he is the only one who seems to notice…or care. Atan, the Splendor of Light, should be content with his gilded existence…but fragmented memories of a forgotten past return to haunt him. What would he risk to uncover the truth? Therrei tol Dana is an ordinary human girl raised in obscurity, which is exactly where she prefers to be. But when she manifests unexpected powers, sinister forces take notice. Is there any way to hide without also hiding who she was meant to be? As a nefarious plot to awaken Chaos intensifies, fate draws the lives of these three toward an unlikely intersection…

CHAOS (Beneath The Secrets Book 1)

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