Bunny vs Monkey¶
Jamie Smart
Rating: 4.8
- When Monkey is sent into space by a team of scientists, he thinks everything will be smooth sailing. But not everything goes according to plan, and soon Monkey's spaceship crash-lands in a forest, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere. Convinced that he has discovered a new world, power-mad (but mostly incompetent) Monkey claims the forest as his own and determines that all other animals must be banished, including his soon-to-be nemesis, Bunny. As Bunny gathers reinforcements and goes head-to-head with the gadget-obsessed Monkey, hilarious hijinks ensue. This hilarious middle-grade adventure is a graphic novel like no other. Jamie Smart’s energetic, expressive cartooning and antic plots will take readers on a mind-bending screwball journey into the beating heart of wackiness itself. Colorful, dynamic, smart alecky, and with more twists and turns than you can count, the Bunny vs. Monkey books are the perfect read for humor-loving kids ages 8 to 12. PRAISE FOR THE BUNNY VS MONKEY SERIES: “Brilliant. Perfect for fans of Dog-Man”— Jamie Littler, author-illustrator of Frostheart “Jamie Smart is a comics genius!”— Philip Reeve, author Mortal Engines “One of the best children's comics of all time.”—Starburst Magazine “The funniest thing around.”—Comicon “Wonderfully wacky, witty and wild!”―Laura Ellen Anderson, author-illustrator of Amelia Fang “Inventive, original, and completely wacky.”―BookTrust “Endlessly inventive, sublimely funny, and outrageously addictive.”—Now Read This!
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